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Kong Immunity


Kong Immunity is an advanced AI-powered security feature that monitors API traffic patterns to detect and respond to anomalies automatically. It uses machine learning algorithms to establish a baseline of normal traffic behaviors and identifies potential security threats or operational issues that deviate from this baseline. Think of it as an immune system for your API gateway - continuously watching for and protecting against unusual activities without requiring manual intervention.

How Kong Immunity Works

Kong Immunity operates in three main phases:

  1. Learning Phase: Observes API traffic to establish normal behavior patterns
  2. Detection Phase: Identifies anomalies that deviate from learned patterns
  3. Response Phase: Takes configurable actions when anomalies are detected


Before setting up Kong Immunity, ensure you have:

  • Kong Enterprise installed (version 2.1.0 or later)
  • Kong Immunity license
  • Kong Manager access
  • Admin API access

Setting Up Kong Immunity

Step 1: Enable the Immunity Plugin

First, let's enable the Kong Immunity plugin for a specific service:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/my-service/plugins \
--data "name=immunity" \
--data "config.server_url=http://immunity-server:5000" \
--data "config.alert_threshold=70"

This will:

  • Enable Immunity for the service named my-service
  • Set the Immunity server location
  • Configure the alert threshold to 70% (alerts will trigger when anomaly confidence exceeds 70%)

Step 2: Configure Alert Notifications

Set up notification channels to receive alerts:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/immunity/alerts/config \
--data "email.enabled=true" \
--data "[email protected]" \
--data "slack.enabled=true" \
--data "slack.webhook_url="

Core Concepts

Anomaly Detection Types

Kong Immunity can detect several types of anomalies:

Anomaly TypeDescriptionExample
Traffic SpikesUnusual volume of requestsPotential DDoS attack
Unusual PatternsAtypical request sequencesAPI scanning/probing
Latency AnomaliesUnexpected response time changesService degradation
Status Code AnomaliesUnusual error ratesFailed backend service
Payload AnomaliesUnexpected request contentInjection attacks

Detection Sensitivity

You can adjust how sensitive Kong Immunity is to potential anomalies using the alert_threshold parameter:

curl -X PATCH http://localhost:8001/services/my-service/plugins/{plugin-id} \
--data "config.alert_threshold=50"
  • Lower values (e.g., 30): More sensitive, may generate more false positives
  • Higher values (e.g., 90): Less sensitive, may miss some anomalies

Practical Examples

Example 1: Detecting and Responding to a DDoS Attack

In this scenario, we'll configure Kong Immunity to automatically enable rate limiting when it detects a traffic spike:

# First, create a rate limiting plugin but disable it initially
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/my-service/plugins \
--data "name=rate-limiting" \
--data "config.minute=100" \
--data "config.hour=1000" \
--data "config.enabled=false"

# Now configure Immunity to enable this plugin when anomalies are detected
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/immunity/actions \
--data "name=enable-rate-limiting" \
--data "service_id=my-service" \
--data "anomaly_type=traffic_spike" \
--data "action_type=plugin" \
--data "plugin_name=rate-limiting" \
--data "plugin_action=enable"

When Kong Immunity detects a traffic spike, it will automatically enable the rate limiting plugin to protect your API.

Example 2: Creating Custom Anomaly Responses

For more sophisticated responses, you can use Kong's serverless functions:

-- Create a file named immunity-response.lua
return function(kong)
-- Get information about the detected anomaly
local anomaly = kong.ctx.shared.immunity.anomaly

-- Log details about the anomaly
kong.log.err("Anomaly detected: " .. anomaly.type .. " with confidence " .. anomaly.confidence)

-- Add custom response headers
kong.response.set_header("X-Anomaly-Detected", "true")

-- For high-confidence anomalies, return a custom error
if anomaly.confidence > 90 then
return kong.response.exit(403, {
message = "Request blocked due to suspicious behavior",
anomaly_id =

Then add this as a custom action:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/immunity/actions \
--data "name=custom-anomaly-response" \
--data "service_id=my-service" \
--data "anomaly_type=any" \
--data "action_type=serverless" \
--data "serverless_function=immunity-response.lua"

Advanced Configuration

Machine Learning Parameters

For fine-tuning the anomaly detection:

curl -X PATCH http://localhost:8001/services/my-service/plugins/{plugin-id} \
--data "config.learning_mode_duration=86400" \
--data "config.sample_rate=15" \
--data "config.analyzed_fields=request_uri,request_method,client_ip,status_code"

This configures:

  • 24-hour learning period (86400 seconds)
  • Samples 15% of traffic
  • Analyzes specific fields for anomalies

Excluding Expected Patterns

To prevent false positives, you can exclude known patterns from anomaly detection:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/immunity/exclusions \
--data "service_id=my-service" \
--data "pattern_type=uri" \
--data "pattern=/api/batch-jobs*" \
--data "reason=Expected periodic traffic spikes"


Common Issues

  1. Too Many Alerts: Adjust the alert_threshold to a higher value or add exclusions for known traffic patterns.

  2. Missing Anomalies: Lower the alert_threshold or increase the sample_rate to capture more traffic for analysis.

  3. High CPU Usage: Reduce the sample_rate to analyze less traffic or increase the resources allocated to the Immunity server.

Viewing Immunity Logs

curl http://localhost:8001/immunity/logs?service_id=my-service&limit=10

This returns the most recent 10 log entries for the specified service.


Kong Immunity provides AI-powered protection for your APIs by:

  • Learning normal traffic patterns automatically
  • Detecting anomalies in real-time
  • Taking automated actions to protect your services
  • Providing visibility into potential security threats

This automated approach to API security reduces the burden on operations teams and provides faster responses to potential threats than manual monitoring alone.

Additional Resources

  • Experiment with different threshold settings to find the right balance between sensitivity and false positives
  • Create custom serverless functions to implement more complex response logic
  • Combine Kong Immunity with other Kong security plugins for comprehensive API protection:
    • Kong Rate Limiting
    • Kong Bot Detection
    • Kong IP Restriction

Practice Exercises

  1. Set up Kong Immunity for a test API and generate artificial traffic spikes to observe detection
  2. Create a custom anomaly response that logs details to a monitoring system
  3. Configure different actions for different types of anomalies
  4. Experiment with different learning periods to see how they affect anomaly detection accuracy

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)