Kong Serverless
Kong Serverless extends the capabilities of Kong API Gateway by allowing you to run serverless functions directly within the API gateway's request/response lifecycle. This powerful feature eliminates the need for separate function deployments, reducing latency and simplifying your architecture by executing code in response to API requests without managing dedicated servers.
In this guide, you'll learn how to leverage Kong's serverless capabilities to transform your API infrastructure into a more flexible, scalable, and event-driven system.
What is Serverless Computing?
Serverless computing is a cloud execution model where cloud providers dynamically manage the allocation of machine resources. This allows developers to focus on writing code without worrying about server provisioning, scaling, or maintenance.
Key benefits include:
- Cost efficiency: Pay only for actual computation time
- Automatic scaling: Handle varying workloads without manual intervention
- Reduced operational complexity: No server management required
- Faster time to market: Focus on code, not infrastructure
Kong Serverless Plugins
Kong offers two primary plugins for serverless functionality:
- Kong Serverless Functions: Run Lua code snippets within Kong's request/response lifecycle
- AWS Lambda Plugin: Invoke AWS Lambda functions from Kong
Let's explore each of these approaches in detail.
Kong Serverless Functions Plugin
The Serverless Functions plugin allows you to write custom Lua code that Kong will execute during the request/response lifecycle.
How It Works
The plugin executes your Lua code at one or more of these phases:
- access: Before the request reaches the upstream service
- header_filter: After receiving headers from the upstream service
- body_filter: After receiving the response body from the upstream service
- log: After the response has been sent to the client
To use the Serverless Functions plugin, first ensure it's properly installed:
# Using Kong package manager
$ kong config --plugin serverless-functions
# Or add it to your kong.conf
plugins = bundled,serverless-functions
Basic Configuration
Here's how to configure the plugin using the Admin API:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/my-service/plugins \
--data "name=serverless-functions" \
--data "config.access[1]=return kong.response.exit(200, { message = 'Hello World from Kong!' })"
This simple example intercepts all requests and returns a custom "Hello World" response.
Example: Request Transformation
Let's create a serverless function that transforms incoming requests:
-- access phase function
return function(conf)
-- Get request details
local body = kong.request.get_body()
local headers = kong.request.get_headers()
-- Log for debugging
-- Transform the request
if body.operation == "uppercase" and body.input then
-- Modify the request before it reaches upstream
body.input = string.upper(body.input)
Example: Response Transformation
This function modifies the response from an upstream service:
-- header_filter phase function
return function(conf)
-- Add a custom header to all responses
kong.response.set_header("X-Processed-By", "Kong-Serverless")
-- body_filter phase function
return function(conf)
local body = kong.response.get_raw_body()
-- Assuming JSON response
if body then
local json = require "cjson"
local data = json.decode(body)
-- Add a timestamp to all responses
data.processed_at = os.time()
-- Replace the response body
AWS Lambda Integration
For more complex functions or to leverage existing serverless infrastructure, Kong provides an AWS Lambda plugin.
First, install and configure the AWS Lambda plugin:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/my-service/plugins \
--data "name=aws-lambda" \
--data "config.aws_key=YOUR_AWS_KEY" \
--data "config.aws_secret=YOUR_AWS_SECRET" \
--data "config.aws_region=us-east-1" \
--data "config.function_name=my-lambda-function"
Example: AWS Lambda Function
Here's a simple Node.js AWS Lambda function that could be invoked by Kong:
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
// Kong passes request data in the event object
console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
// Process the request
const body = JSON.parse(event.body || '{}');
const result = {
message: 'Processed by AWS Lambda',
input: body,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
// Return response to Kong
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify(result),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
Real-World Use Cases
Let's explore practical applications of Kong Serverless:
1. Authentication and Authorization
Implement custom authentication logic without deploying a separate service:
return function(conf)
-- Get the Authorization header
local auth_header = kong.request.get_header("Authorization")
if not auth_header then
return kong.response.exit(401, { message = "Authentication required" })
-- Extract token (assuming Bearer token)
local _, _, token = string.find(auth_header, "Bearer%s+(.+)")
if not token then
return kong.response.exit(401, { message = "Invalid token format" })
-- Validate token (simplified example)
if token ~= "valid-secret-token" then
return kong.response.exit(403, { message = "Invalid credentials" })
-- Add custom headers for upstream services
kong.service.request.set_header("X-Consumer-ID", "user-123")
kong.service.request.set_header("X-Consumer-Role", "admin")
2. Request Rate Limiting with Dynamic Rules
Implement custom rate limiting logic based on business rules:
return function(conf)
-- Get client IP
local client_ip = kong.client.get_forwarded_ip()
-- Get user tier from request header
local user_tier = kong.request.get_header("X-User-Tier") or "free"
-- Set rate limits based on tier
local limits = {
free = 10,
basic = 100,
premium = 1000
local limit = limits[user_tier] or limits.free
-- Use Kong's shared memory to track requests
local redis = require "resty.redis"
local red = redis:new()
red:connect("redis", 6379)
local key = "ratelimit:" .. client_ip .. ":" .. user_tier
local current = red:get(key) or 0
if tonumber(current) >= limit then
return kong.response.exit(429, { message = "Rate limit exceeded" })
-- Increment counter and set expiry
red:expire(key, 3600) -- 1 hour window
-- Add headers to inform client about rate limits
kong.response.set_header("X-RateLimit-Limit", limit)
kong.response.set_header("X-RateLimit-Remaining", limit - tonumber(current) - 1)
3. Content Filtering and Validation
Filter and validate incoming requests to protect your APIs:
return function(conf)
-- Get the request body
local body = kong.request.get_body()
-- Don't proceed if there's no body
if not body then
-- Check for malicious content (simplified example)
local contains_script = false
if type(body) == "table" then
local json = require "cjson"
local body_str = json.encode(body)
contains_script = string.find(body_str, "<script>") ~= nil
elseif type(body) == "string" then
contains_script = string.find(body, "<script>") ~= nil
if contains_script then
return kong.response.exit(400, { message = "Potentially malicious content detected" })
-- Validate required fields for specific endpoints
local route_path = kong.request.get_path()
if route_path == "/api/users" and kong.request.get_method() == "POST" then
if not body.email or not body.name then
return kong.response.exit(400, {
message = "Missing required fields",
required = {"email", "name"}
-- Validate email format
local email_pattern = "^[%w+%.%-_]+@[%w+%.%-_]+%.%a%a+$"
if not string.match(body.email, email_pattern) then
return kong.response.exit(400, { message = "Invalid email format" })
Best Practices
When working with Kong Serverless Functions, follow these best practices:
- Keep functions small and focused: Large functions increase latency and complexity
- Use appropriate phases: Choose the correct lifecycle phase for your logic
- Consider performance: Optimize your code for low latency
- Handle errors gracefully: Implement proper error handling
- Use caching: Cache expensive operations to improve performance
- Monitor and log: Add detailed logging for troubleshooting
- Security first: Validate all inputs and sanitize outputs
- Version control: Manage your functions with proper versioning
Deployment Strategies
There are several approaches to deploying Kong Serverless Functions:
1. Admin API (for testing)
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/my-service/plugins \
--data "name=serverless-functions" \
--data "config.access[1]=return function() kong.log('Hello World') end"
2. Declarative Configuration (DB-less mode)
# kong.yml
- name: my-service
url: http://upstream-service
- name: serverless-functions
- |
return function(conf)
kong.log('Executing serverless function')
-- Your code here
3. External File Loading
For more complex functions, store them in separate files:
-- /etc/kong/functions/my-function.lua
return function(conf)
-- Complex logic here
kong.log('Executing function from file')
Then reference the file in your configuration:
- name: serverless-functions
- /etc/kong/functions/my-function.lua
Debugging and Troubleshooting
When working with Kong Serverless Functions, use these debugging techniques:
Enable Verbose Logging
# In kong.conf
log_level = debug
Use kong.log for Tracing
return function(conf)
kong.log.debug("Function executing")
kong.log.inspect(some_variable) -- Pretty-prints the variable
-- Try/catch for error handling
local ok, err = pcall(function()
-- Your potentially error-prone code
if not ok then
kong.log.err("Function error: " .. err)
return kong.response.exit(500, { error = "Internal error" })
Kong Serverless extends your API gateway with powerful function execution capabilities, allowing you to:
- Execute code directly within Kong's request/response lifecycle
- Implement custom logic without deploying separate microservices
- Integrate with AWS Lambda and other FaaS providers
- Build more flexible, reactive API architectures
By leveraging these capabilities, you can create more responsive, efficient, and maintainable API infrastructures that scale effortlessly with your business needs.
Additional Resources
To further enhance your Kong Serverless knowledge:
- Practice implementing authentication logic using Kong Serverless Functions
- Try creating a request transformation flow to handle different API versions
- Experiment with integrating Kong with AWS Lambda for more complex processing
Next Steps:
- Explore Kong's performance monitoring tools
- Learn about Kong's service mesh capabilities
- Investigate Kong's plugin development framework
With Kong Serverless, you're now equipped to build powerful, scalable API solutions that respond dynamically to your business needs without the complexity of managing traditional server infrastructure.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)