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Redis Command Arguments


Redis commands often require additional parameters, known as arguments, to specify exactly what operation to perform and how to perform it. Understanding how to use these arguments correctly is essential for effective Redis operations. This guide will walk you through the concept of Redis command arguments, their syntax, and how to use them effectively in your applications.

Redis arguments allow you to:

  • Target specific keys or data structures
  • Specify operation options and modifiers
  • Control how results are returned
  • Set expiration times and other metadata

Basic Argument Syntax

Redis commands follow a simple pattern:

COMMAND key [arguments...]


  • COMMAND is the Redis operation you want to perform
  • key is often the primary data element you're manipulating
  • [arguments...] are optional or required parameters that modify how the command works

Let's see this in action with some basic examples:

Example 1: Setting a String with Expiration

SET username "john_doe" EX 3600

In this example:

  • SET is the command
  • username is the key
  • "john_doe" is the value to store
  • EX 3600 is an argument that sets an expiration time of 3600 seconds (1 hour)

Redis will respond with:


Example 2: Getting a Range of Characters from a String

GETRANGE message 0 4

In this example:

  • GETRANGE is the command
  • message is the key
  • 0 and 4 are arguments specifying the start and end positions

If message contains "Hello World", Redis will respond with:


Common Argument Types

Redis command arguments fall into several categories:

1. Positional Arguments

These are arguments whose meaning is determined by their position in the command.

LRANGE mylist 0 10

Here, 0 and 10 are positional arguments representing the start and stop indices.

2. Flag Arguments

These are switches that modify command behavior without requiring additional values.

HMGET user:1000 name age EXISTS

The EXISTS flag would modify the behavior of HMGET (Note: this specific example is for illustration; EXISTS isn't an actual flag for HMGET).

3. Key-Value Arguments

These arguments come in pairs where one argument is a parameter name and the next is its value.

SET session:token "abc123" EX 3600 NX

Here, EX 3600 is a key-value argument pair (expire in 3600 seconds), while NX is a flag.

Working with String Command Arguments

String commands frequently use arguments to control how data is stored and retrieved.

SET Command Arguments

The SET command supports several useful arguments:

SET key value [EX seconds] [PX milliseconds] [NX|XX]
  • EX seconds: Set the specified expire time, in seconds
  • PX milliseconds: Set the specified expire time, in milliseconds
  • NX: Only set the key if it does not already exist
  • XX: Only set the key if it already exists

Example using multiple arguments:

SET loginToken "t5hd8jfk" EX 900 NX

This will:

  1. Create a key named "loginToken" with value "t5hd8jfk"
  2. Set it to expire in 900 seconds (15 minutes)
  3. Only create it if the key doesn't already exist

If the key didn't exist, Redis responds with:


If the key did exist already, Redis responds with:


List Command Arguments

List commands often use index positions as arguments.

LRANGE Example

LRANGE tasks 0 -1

In this example:

  • tasks is the list key
  • 0 is the start index
  • -1 is a special argument meaning "up to the end of the list"

If the list contains ["buy milk", "write code", "exercise"], Redis will respond with:

1) "buy milk"
2) "write code"
3) "exercise"

LPUSH with Multiple Value Arguments

You can push multiple values at once:

LPUSH notifications "new message" "system update" "friend request"

This single command adds three elements to the start of the list.

Redis responds with the new length of the list:

(integer) 3

Hash Command Arguments

Hash commands work with field-value pairs as arguments.

HSET with Multiple Field-Value Pairs

HSET user:1000 name "John Doe" age 28 email "[email protected]"

This sets multiple fields in a single command:

  • The field name with value "John Doe"
  • The field age with value 28
  • The field email with value "[email protected]"

Redis responds with the number of fields that were added (not updated):

(integer) 3

Sorted Set Arguments

Sorted sets have some of the most complex argument structures in Redis.

ZADD with Score Arguments

ZADD leaderboard 100 "player1" 85 "player2" 95 "player3"

Here, each value is preceded by its score:

  • 100 is the score for "player1"
  • 85 is the score for "player2"
  • 95 is the score for "player3"

Redis responds with the number of new elements added:

(integer) 3

ZADD with Option Arguments

ZADD leaderboard NX CH 110 "player1" 120 "player4"

This command uses multiple option arguments:

  • NX: Only add new elements, don't update existing ones
  • CH: Return the number of elements changed (added or updated)

Special Argument Formats

Pattern Matching

Many Redis commands accept pattern matching arguments using glob-style patterns:

KEYS user:*

This would return all keys that start with "user:".

Count Limiting

Some commands accept a count limit to restrict results:

SCAN 0 MATCH user:* COUNT 10

This limits the scan operation to approximately 10 results per iteration.

Transaction Arguments

Redis transactions have their own specific argument formats:

SET session:1 "active"
EXPIRE session:1 3600

In this case, MULTI and EXEC don't take arguments themselves but mark the beginning and end of a transaction.

Practical Applications

Let's look at some real-world applications of Redis command arguments.

Session Management

# Create a new session with 30-minute timeout
SET session:user:1001 "{\"user_id\":1001,\"login_time\":\"2023-06-15T14:30:00Z\"}" EX 1800

# Extend session timeout if user is still active
EXPIRE session:user:1001 1800

Rate Limiting

# Increment counter for an API key
INCR ratelimit:apikey123

# Set expiry if the key is new (first request in this window)
SET ratelimit:apikey123 1 EX 60 NX

Leaderboard Updates

# Add or update player scores
ZADD leaderboard XX INCR 5 "player1"

This increments player1's score by 5 points but only if they already exist in the leaderboard.

Working with Binary Data in Arguments

Redis can handle binary data in both keys and values:

SET \x00binary \xff\xfe\x00\x01

When working with binary data, make sure you properly escape binary values according to your client library's requirements.

Common Mistakes with Command Arguments

1. Incorrect Argument Order

# Incorrect
SET EX 3600 mykey "value"

# Correct
SET mykey "value" EX 3600

2. Missing Required Arguments

# Missing required stop index
LRANGE mylist 0

3. Using Wrong Argument Types

# Incorrect: HSET requires field-value pairs
HSET user:1000 name age email

# Correct
HSET user:1000 name "John" age 30 email "[email protected]"

Performance Considerations

Using Arguments to Optimize Performance

  1. SCAN with COUNT: Adjust the COUNT argument to balance between memory usage and iteration speed
SCAN 0 COUNT 1000 MATCH user:*
  1. Multi-key Operations: Use arguments to process multiple keys/values in a single command
# Instead of multiple SET commands
MSET key1 "value1" key2 "value2" key3 "value3"

Best Practices for Redis Command Arguments

  1. Be Explicit with Expiration Times: Always specify expiration times for volatile data
SET session:token "abc123" EX 3600
  1. Use NX/XX Conditionals: Avoid race conditions by using conditional operations
SET distributed:lock "process_id" NX EX 30
  1. Prefer Specific Commands: When possible, use specific commands rather than generic ones with arguments
# Better than generic SET with EX
SETEX mykey 3600 "value"
  1. Combine Arguments for Atomic Operations: Use multiple arguments to ensure operations are atomic
# Single atomic operation
SET counter 0 EX 60 NX

Exercise: Practice with Redis Command Arguments

Try these exercises to test your understanding:

  1. Create a user profile hash with name, email, and age that expires in 1 day
  2. Add three items to a to-do list and retrieve just the first two items
  3. Create a leaderboard and add five players, then retrieve just the top three


Redis command arguments provide flexibility and power to Redis operations. By understanding how to correctly use arguments, you can:

  • Control exactly how data is stored and retrieved
  • Perform complex operations atomically
  • Optimize performance of your Redis operations
  • Create more sophisticated data models and algorithms

As you become more comfortable with Redis commands, you'll find yourself using more complex argument combinations to achieve precise behavior in your applications.

Additional Resources

For practice, try experimenting with different argument combinations and observe how they affect command behavior. The more you practice, the more intuitive Redis command arguments will become.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)