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Ubuntu Command History


When working with the Ubuntu Terminal, you'll often find yourself repeating commands or wanting to reference previously executed commands. Ubuntu's command history feature is a powerful tool that stores your previously executed commands, allowing you to recall, reuse, and manage them efficiently. This history mechanism saves time, reduces typing errors, and helps you maintain a record of your terminal activities.

In this guide, we'll explore how the command history works in Ubuntu Terminal, how to navigate through it, search for specific commands, and customize its behavior to improve your productivity.

Basic Command History Navigation

Viewing Your Command History

The simplest way to view your command history is using the history command:


This will output something similar to:

  1  ls -la
2 cd Documents
3 mkdir project
4 nano
5 python

Each command is displayed with a number that can be used to reference it later.

The most common way to access previous commands is by using the arrow keys:

  • (Up Arrow) - Shows the previous command
  • (Down Arrow) - Shows the next command in the history list

This allows you to quickly cycle through recent commands without typing them again.

Executing Commands from History

There are several ways to execute commands from your history:

  1. Using the exclamation mark (!):


    Executes the command at the specified history number.



    This will execute the 5th command in your history (in our example, python

  2. Last command (!!):


    Executes the most recently used command.

  3. Command starting with specific text:


    Executes the most recent command that starts with "text".



    This might execute python if that's the most recent command starting with "py".

Searching Through Command History

You can search through your command history using the Ctrl+r shortcut:

  1. Press Ctrl+r
  2. Type part of the command you're looking for
  3. The most recent matching command will appear
  4. Press Ctrl+r again to go to the next match
  5. Press Enter to execute the displayed command


(reverse-i-search)`git': git commit -m "Initial commit"

History Expansion

Bash provides powerful history expansion features:

!!Last commandsudo !! (runs last command with sudo)
!nCommand number n!5 (runs 5th command in history)
!-nCommand n lines back!-2 (runs 2nd previous command)
!stringMost recent command starting with string!ls (runs last ls command)
!?stringMost recent command containing string!?py (runs last command containing "py")
^string1^string2Replace string1 with string2 in last command^typo^fixed (corrects a typo)

Command History Arguments

You can reference arguments from previous commands:

!$Last argument of the previous command
!^First argument of the previous command
!*All arguments of the previous command
!:nnth argument of the previous command
!:n-mArguments n through m of the previous command


mkdir -p projects/my-new-app
cd !$

The second command will expand to cd projects/my-new-app, reusing the last argument from the previous command.

Customizing Command History Behavior

History File Location

By default, your command history is stored in the ~/.bash_history file. Each line in this file represents a command that was executed in the terminal.

History Environment Variables

You can customize history behavior using these environment variables:

VariableDescriptionExample Setting
HISTSIZEMaximum number of commands in memoryexport HISTSIZE=10000
HISTFILESIZEMaximum number of lines in history fileexport HISTFILESIZE=20000
HISTCONTROLControls how commands are savedexport HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups
HISTIGNOREPatterns to exclude from historyexport HISTIGNORE="ls:cd:exit"
HISTTIMEFORMATFormat for timestamps in historyexport HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %T "

To make these changes permanent, add them to your ~/.bashrc file:

# Add to your ~/.bashrc file

# Force commands to be saved to history immediately
shopt -s histappend
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r; $PROMPT_COMMAND"

Let's explore what these settings do:

  1. HISTSIZE=10000: Keeps 10,000 commands in memory
  2. HISTFILESIZE=20000: Stores 20,000 commands in the history file
  3. HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups:
    • ignoredups: Don't store duplicate commands consecutively
    • erasedups: Remove all previous duplicates of a command
  4. HISTIGNORE="ls:cd:pwd:exit:clear": Don't save these common commands
  5. HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ": Add timestamps to history
  6. shopt -s histappend: Append to history file instead of overwriting
  7. PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r; $PROMPT_COMMAND":
    • history -a: Append current session to history file
    • history -c: Clear current session history
    • history -r: Reload history from file

This configuration ensures history is immediately saved and shared between terminal sessions.

Practical Examples and Use Cases

Example 1: Correcting Typos in Commands

If you make a typo in a command, you can quickly fix it with the ^ syntax:

$ grpe "pattern" file.txt
Command 'grpe' not found

$ ^grpe^grep
grep "pattern" file.txt

Example 2: Reusing Complex Commands

For complex commands that you use frequently but are hard to remember:

$ find . -type f -name "*.log" -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;

# Later, to run the same command
$ !find

Example 3: Creating Aliases for History Commands

You can create aliases for commonly used history commands:

# Add to your ~/.bashrc file
alias h='history'
alias hg='history | grep'

Then use them:

$ hg docker
125 docker ps
143 docker images
157 docker-compose up -d

Example 4: Combining with Pipes and Grep

The history command works well with pipes and grep:

$ history | grep "git commit"
203 git commit -m "Fix login bug"
245 git commit -am "Update documentation"
267 git commit -m "Add new feature"

Example 5: Running Multiple Commands from History

You can execute multiple commands from history:

$ !267 && !245

This runs command #267 followed by command #245.

Best Practices for Command History

  1. Regularly review your command history to identify frequently used commands that could be turned into aliases or scripts

  2. Use comments in your commands by starting with # to provide context in your history:

    # This command will backup the database
    mysqldump -u root -p mydatabase > backup.sql
  3. Set a reasonable history size to balance between having enough history and consuming too much disk space

  4. Use history expansions to save time and reduce typing errors

  5. Share your history configuration with your team for consistent experience across systems

Command History Flowchart

Here's a visual representation of how command history works in Ubuntu:

Troubleshooting Command History Issues

History Not Saving Between Sessions

If your command history isn't being saved between terminal sessions:

  1. Check if bash is your default shell:

    echo $SHELL
  2. Verify your history file exists:

    ls -l ~/.bash_history
  3. Check the file permissions:

    chmod 600 ~/.bash_history
  4. Ensure HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE are set correctly.

Duplicate Commands Appearing

If you're seeing too many duplicate commands, add this to your ~/.bashrc:

export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups


The Ubuntu command history feature is a powerful tool that can significantly improve your productivity in the terminal. By mastering history navigation, search capabilities, and customization options, you can:

  • Reduce typing by reusing complex commands
  • Correct mistakes quickly
  • Keep a record of your terminal activities
  • Share commands between terminal sessions

The time invested in learning these techniques will pay off in your daily work with the Ubuntu Terminal.

Additional Resources and Exercises


  1. Configure your bash history to ignore common commands like ls, cd, and clear
  2. Create an alias to display your last 10 commands
  3. Practice using Ctrl+r to search for a command you used earlier
  4. Modify your .bashrc to display timestamps in the history output
  5. Write a small script that backs up your command history file weekly

Further Reading

  • The Bash manual section on History: man bash (search for "HISTORY EXPANSION")
  • GNU Bash Reference Manual: History Interaction
  • Linux Command Line books by William Shotts or Mark Sobell

By mastering command history in Ubuntu Terminal, you'll become more efficient and productive in your command-line work, saving time and reducing errors in your daily tasks.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)