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Ubuntu Piping


Piping is one of the most powerful concepts in the Ubuntu terminal (and Linux systems in general). It allows you to connect multiple commands together, where the output of one command becomes the input to the next. This concept embodies the Unix philosophy of creating small, focused tools that can be combined to solve complex problems.

The pipe operator in Ubuntu is represented by the vertical bar symbol (|). When you see this symbol between commands, it means "take the output of the command on the left and feed it as input to the command on the right."

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for piping is:

command1 | command2

This means: run command1, take its output, and use it as input for command2.

Simple Examples

Let's start with some simple examples to understand the concept:

Example 1: Counting Files in a Directory

ls | wc -l


$ ls | wc -l




  • ls lists all files and directories in the current directory
  • wc -l counts the number of lines in the input
  • Together, this command tells you how many files and directories are in your current directory

Example 2: Finding a Specific File

ls | grep ".txt"


$ ls | grep ".txt"




  • ls lists all files and directories
  • grep ".txt" filters the input, showing only lines containing ".txt"
  • The result is a list of only the text files in your directory

Chaining Multiple Pipes

You can chain multiple commands together using pipes, creating a pipeline of operations:

command1 | command2 | command3

Example: Finding the 5 Largest Files

du -h /home/user | sort -rh | head -5


$ du -h /home/user | sort -rh | head -5


1.2G    /home/user
800M /home/user/Videos
500M /home/user/Downloads
200M /home/user/Documents
150M /home/user/Pictures


  1. du -h /home/user lists disk usage of files and directories in human-readable format
  2. sort -rh sorts the output in reverse order (largest first) and interprets human-readable sizes
  3. head -5 shows only the first 5 lines of output
  4. The result is a list of the 5 largest directories or files in your home directory

Common Piping Patterns

Filtering Output

One of the most common uses of piping is filtering output:

command | grep "pattern"

Example: Finding Running Python Processes

ps aux | grep "python"


$ ps aux | grep "python"


user     1234  0.5  1.2  123456  12345 ?   S    10:30   0:25 python3
user 2345 0.0 0.3 45678 3456 pts/0 S+ 11:42 0:00 grep --color=auto python


  • ps aux lists all running processes
  • grep "python" filters to show only processes with "python" in their description

Counting and Summarizing

Piping is excellent for quick statistics:

command | wc -l       # Count lines
command | sort | uniq # Find unique values

Example: Counting Unique Users Logged In

who | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq | wc -l


$ who | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq | wc -l




  1. who shows who is logged in
  2. cut -d' ' -f1 extracts just the username field
  3. sort sorts the usernames
  4. uniq removes duplicate usernames
  5. wc -l counts the number of unique usernames
  6. The result tells you how many different users are currently logged in

Processing and Transforming Data

Pipes excel at data transformation:

command | sed 's/old/new/g'   # Replace text
command | awk '{print $2}' # Extract specific fields

Example: Extracting the Second Column from a CSV File

cat data.csv | cut -d',' -f2


$ cat data.csv | cut -d',' -f2




  • cat data.csv outputs the contents of the CSV file
  • cut -d',' -f2 extracts just the second column, using comma as a delimiter

Real-World Applications

Application 1: Log Analysis

Finding error messages in a large log file:

cat /var/log/syslog | grep "ERROR" | tail -10

Explanation: This pipeline finds the last 10 error messages in the system log.

Application 2: System Monitoring

Monitoring top memory-consuming processes:

ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head -5

Explanation: This shows the 5 processes using the most memory (sorted by the 4th column of ps output).

Application 3: File Processing

Counting word frequency in a document:

cat document.txt | tr -s ' ' '
' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10

Explanation: This pipeline counts and displays the 10 most frequent words in a document:

  1. cat document.txt outputs the document
  2. tr -s ' ' ' ' replaces spaces with newlines, putting each word on its own line
  3. sort sorts all words alphabetically
  4. uniq -c counts occurrences of each word
  5. sort -nr sorts numerically in reverse order (highest count first)
  6. head -10 shows only the top 10 results

Advanced Piping Concepts

Named Pipes (FIFOs)

Beyond the basic pipe operator, Ubuntu supports named pipes (FIFOs) for more complex scenarios:

mkfifo mypipe
command1 > mypipe &
command2 < mypipe

This creates a named pipe that can be used between processes that aren't directly connected.

Process Substitution

Process substitution is a related feature that allows the output of a process to appear as a file:

diff <(ls dir1) <(ls dir2)

Explanation: This compares the directory listings of dir1 and dir2 without creating temporary files.

tee Command with Pipes

The tee command allows you to save pipeline output to a file while also sending it to the next command:

command1 | tee output.txt | command2


ls | tee files.txt | grep ".txt"

Explanation: This lists all files, saves the complete listing to files.txt, and then filters to show only .txt files on screen.

Visualizing Pipelines

Here's a diagram that shows how data flows through a pipe:

Common Pitfalls and Tips

Avoiding Common Mistakes

  1. Error Output Not Piped: By default, pipes only connect standard output (stdout) to standard input (stdin). Error messages (stderr) are not piped. To include error output:

    command1 2>&1 | command2
  2. Binary Data in Pipes: Be careful when piping binary data; some commands expect text input.

  3. Pipeline Efficiency: Remember that all parts of a pipeline run simultaneously, not sequentially.

Debugging Pipelines

For complex pipelines, build them step by step:

# Instead of:
command1 | command2 | command3 | command4

# Debug by adding steps:
command1 > step1.txt
cat step1.txt | command2 > step2.txt
cat step2.txt | command3 > step3.txt
cat step3.txt | command4


Piping is a fundamental concept in Ubuntu and Unix-like systems that allows you to:

  • Connect multiple commands together
  • Process and transform data efficiently
  • Build complex workflows from simple tools
  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Analyze and filter large amounts of information

By mastering the pipe operator, you can dramatically increase your productivity in the terminal and solve complex problems with elegant command chains.


  1. List all running processes, then pipe the output to grep to find processes containing "bash".
  2. Find all .log files in /var/log, sort them by size, and display the top 3 largest log files.
  3. Count how many packages are installed on your system using dpkg -l and appropriate pipes.
  4. Create a pipeline that finds the 5 largest subdirectories in your home directory.
  5. Use the history command with pipes to find how many times you've used the ls command.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)