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Ubuntu Text Editing


Text editing is a fundamental skill for any programmer or system administrator working in a Linux environment like Ubuntu. While graphical text editors are available, mastering terminal-based text editors provides several advantages:

  • You can work on remote servers where no graphical interface is available
  • Terminal editors are lightweight and start instantly
  • They can be used in recovery situations when the graphical interface isn't functioning
  • They're highly customizable and can boost your productivity significantly

In this guide, we'll explore the most common text editors available in the Ubuntu terminal, focusing on how to create, modify, and save text files efficiently.

Common Text Editors in Ubuntu

Ubuntu comes with several text editors pre-installed. The most common ones are:

Each editor has its strengths and learning curve:

EditorLearning CurveFeaturesBest For
nanoLowBasicBeginners, quick edits
vim/viHighAdvancedPower users, programming
emacsHighExtensiveDevelopment environments
microLowIntuitiveModern alternative to nano

Let's explore each of these in detail.

The Nano Editor

Nano is the most beginner-friendly text editor in Ubuntu. It's intuitive and displays keyboard shortcuts at the bottom of the screen.

Opening Files with Nano

To open a file with nano, simply type:

nano filename.txt

If the file doesn't exist, nano will create it when you save.

Basic Nano Commands

The interface shows keyboard shortcuts at the bottom. The ^ symbol represents the Ctrl key:

  • Ctrl+G: Display help
  • Ctrl+O: Save file ("WriteOut")
  • Ctrl+X: Exit nano
  • Ctrl+K: Cut line
  • Ctrl+U: Paste line
  • Ctrl+W: Search for text
  • Ctrl+\_: Go to line number

Example: Creating a Simple Shell Script with Nano

Let's create a simple "Hello World" shell script:


In the editor, type:

echo "Hello, Ubuntu world!"

To save, press Ctrl+O, confirm the filename by pressing Enter, then exit with Ctrl+X.

To make the script executable and run it:

chmod +x


Hello, Ubuntu world!

The Vim Editor

Vim (Vi IMproved) is a powerful, highly configurable text editor that has a steeper learning curve but offers tremendous productivity benefits once mastered.

Opening Files with Vim

To open a file with vim:

vim filename.txt

Vim Modes

Vim's power comes from its different modes:

  1. Normal Mode: For navigation and commands (default when you open vim)
  2. Insert Mode: For typing text (enter by pressing i)
  3. Visual Mode: For selecting text (enter by pressing v)
  4. Command-line Mode: For executing commands (enter by pressing :)

Basic Vim Commands

Getting In and Out of Vim

  • :q - Quit (fails if unsaved changes)
  • :q! - Quit without saving changes
  • :w - Save
  • :wq or ZZ - Save and quit

Switching Modes

  • i - Enter insert mode at cursor
  • I - Enter insert mode at beginning of line
  • a - Enter insert mode after cursor
  • A - Enter insert mode at end of line
  • Esc - Return to normal mode from insert mode
  • h, j, k, l - Move left, down, up, right
  • w - Jump to start of next word
  • b - Jump to start of previous word
  • 0 - Jump to beginning of line
  • $ - Jump to end of line
  • gg - Go to first line of document
  • G - Go to last line of document

Editing in Normal Mode

  • dd - Delete (cut) current line
  • yy - Yank (copy) current line
  • p - Paste after cursor
  • P - Paste before cursor
  • u - Undo
  • Ctrl+r - Redo

Example: Editing a Configuration File with Vim

Let's edit a sample configuration file:

vim sample.conf

In normal mode, navigate using the keyboard. Press i to enter insert mode and add:

# Sample configuration
server_name = ubuntu_server
port = 8080
debug = true

Press Esc to return to normal mode, then type :wq to save and quit.

The Emacs Editor

Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor with built-in functions for text editing, project management, and more.

Opening Files with Emacs

emacs filename.txt

Basic Emacs Commands

Emacs uses keyboard combinations, often involving the Ctrl key (C-) or Alt/Meta key (M-):

  • C-x C-f - Open file
  • C-x C-s - Save file
  • C-x C-c - Exit emacs
  • C-g - Cancel command
  • C-k - Cut (kill) line
  • C-y - Paste (yank)
  • C-space - Begin selection
  • C-w - Cut selection
  • M-w - Copy selection
  • C-s - Search forward
  • C-r - Search backward

Choosing the Right Editor for You

  • Nano: Great for beginners and quick edits
  • Vim: Excellent for power users who want efficiency
  • Emacs: Perfect for those who want an extensible environment

Specialized Text Manipulation Tools

Beyond full-featured text editors, Ubuntu offers specialized command-line tools for text manipulation:

The sed Stream Editor

The sed command allows you to filter and transform text:

# Replace all instances of 'apple' with 'orange' in a file
sed 's/apple/orange/g' fruits.txt

The awk Programming Language

awk is designed for pattern scanning and processing:

# Print the first field of each line
awk '{print $1}' data.txt

The grep Command

grep finds patterns in files:

# Find all lines containing 'error' in log files
grep 'error' /var/log/*.log

Practical Examples

Example 1: Editing System Configuration Files

System administrators often need to modify configuration files. For example, to edit the SSH configuration:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Navigate to the line containing PermitRootLogin and change it:

PermitRootLogin no

Save with Ctrl+O and exit with Ctrl+X. Then restart the SSH service:

sudo systemctl restart ssh

Example 2: Creating a Python Script

Let's create a simple Python script using vim:


Press i to enter insert mode and type:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

def greet(name):
"""Return a greeting message"""
return f"Hello, {name}! Welcome to Ubuntu."

if __name__ == "__main__":
user_name = input("What's your name? ")
message = greet(user_name)

Press Esc, then type :wq to save and exit. Make the script executable and run it:

chmod +x

Example interaction:

What's your name? Alice
Hello, Alice! Welcome to Ubuntu.

Example 3: Mass Editing with Vim Macros

Vim macros can automate repetitive tasks. Let's say you have a list of items and want to convert them to a numbered list:

  1. Open the file in vim: vim fruits.txt
  2. Position cursor at the first line
  3. Record a macro by typing qa (records to register 'a')
  4. Type I to insert at beginning of line, type 1. , press Esc
  5. Type j to move down one line
  6. Stop recording by typing q

To replay the macro on the next line and increment the number:

  • Type j to move to the next line
  • Type :s/^/2. / to add numbering to the second line

Continue this pattern or use more advanced vim features for automation.


Text editing in the Ubuntu terminal offers powerful capabilities for both beginners and advanced users:

  • Nano provides an accessible entry point with visible commands
  • Vim offers unmatched efficiency once its modal editing paradigm is mastered
  • Emacs serves as an extensible platform that can grow with your needs
  • Specialized tools like sed, awk, and grep complement full editors for specific text processing tasks

Mastering at least one terminal-based text editor is essential for effective work in Linux environments, especially when working with remote servers or system configuration.

Additional Resources

  • Run vimtutor in your terminal for an interactive Vim tutorial
  • Use man nano, man vim, or man emacs to access the manual pages
  • For practicing vim commands: Vim Adventures


  1. Create a new file using nano and write a brief introduction about yourself.
  2. Open an existing configuration file with vim and practice navigating without using arrow keys.
  3. Use sed to replace all occurrences of your name in a text file with "REDACTED".
  4. Create a simple bash script that uses awk to extract and display specific columns from a CSV file.
  5. Compare the experience of editing the same file with nano, vim, and emacs. Which editor feels most comfortable to you and why?

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)